• Reservations can be made 36 hours before class and up to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled class.

  • Reservations can be cancelled without penalty up to 1-hour before the scheduled class.

  • If a member has reserved a class and does not attend they will be classified as a “No Show”. A $20 “No Show” fee will be added to their account.

  • Members shall limit themselves to 1 class reservation per day. If there is space they may join other classes, but we do not recommend multiple workouts in a single day.


  • If a member has a waitlist reservation and a spot opens in that class they will be automatically booked into the session.

  • If a member will not be able to attend they will need to remove themselves from the waitlist beforehand, or cancel their reservation without penalty up to 1-hour before the scheduled class. 

  • Any member moved from the waitlist into the reserved will be treated as any normal reservation. NO SHOW policy will still apply.


  • NO SHOWS will be penalized with a $20 fee.


  • All members should arrive on time to classes and be ready to start on the hour.

  • For the safety of the athlete and having adequate time to warm up, if you are more than 3 minutes late to class you will not be allowed to join.


  • In case of an illness/emergency, athletes with a RECURRING MEMBERSHIP can request a hold (freeze) on their account. This hold can be no less than 7 days and no more than 14 days in a one-year period.